Why Apple’s iPhone 14 Pro will be MORE expensive..

in 2017 apple stunned the world by raising the rate of their flagship iphone model to 999 and it'' s gone to that exact same price for the past few years previously yes it'' s appearing like apple will raise the price on their apple iphone 14 professional and 14 pro max versions following month yet wear'' t fret it appears like problem however there is a silver cellular lining that i'' m mosting likely to reveal and also talk about in this video as well as i'' m additionally going to discuss why they'' re raising the cost and what features we must be expecting also obtaining right into it while a great deal of people were expecting apple to raise the rates of these models ming chuquo the reliable and renowned apple leaker finally appeared as well as validated that apple is mosting likely to be elevating the costs of their apple iphone 14 professional version so indeed simply the pro designs not the normal ones and also he did state especially that they'' re gon na elevate the iphone 14 series average price by about 15 now that does not imply that they'' re going to elevate the iphone 14 professional price by 15 to 11 50 that'' s not what it implies it simply means that'typically that ' s mosting likely to be the ordinary list price now this leak does validate a previous leakage from a korean blog owner that claimed that the apple iphone 14 regular version will certainly stay the same price as the apple iphone 13 and that implies that the apple iphone mini is disappearing no a lot more small for the 14.

So in regards to my own ideas and also predictions for the prices this is in fact from december the 6.1 inch iphone 14 will certainly be 7.99 then you pay a hundred bucks a lot more for the larger max or plus model after that you have 1099 for the 14 pro which is a hundred buck rise and after that 11.99 for the professional max additionally a hundred dollars greater than the smaller sized size as well as it'' s actually cool due to the fact that both larger designs will certainly have similar specs just a larger display and battery and also i recognize what you'' re assuming apple is crazy they'' re greedy they want all your money by increasing these rates yet there is a silver lining like i said in the introductory and also that is the chance that we might really obtain the 14 pro version with a boosted 256 gigs of storage space compared to the existing 128 and that would really not be that big of a rate rise of training course you wouldn'' t have the ability to get the lower end design you ' ll have to go directly up to 256 but of program this is gon na add a lot of worth to the 14 professional if it features 256 gigs of storage nonetheless i did talk to mark german and also he has some questions about this he believes it'' s going to remain at 128 gigs so i'' m not specifically sure yet there are some really excellent hints and also reasons for why it can raise to 256.

first of all we did get a rumor in 2015 that the iphone 14 might include approximately 2 terabytes of storage space compared to the present one terabyte apple iphone 13 pro so it would in fact make good sense for the beginning to begin at 256 since it'' s like a bigger range as well as that might make good sense why they'' re increasing to two terabytes and also when it comes to one more factor with the iphone 13 lineup apple lastly raised the base storage of the normal designs to 128 gigs which is exactly the base storage space of the existing 13 professional so maybe it'' s time for apple to up the base storage of the pro versions to 256 so there ' s actually some differentiation between the two and that could really make you intend to pay more for the pro model because you see it has double the storage which'' s a wonderful motivation to update despite the fact that it begins at 1100 as well as getting also extra fascinating if you look at the current apple iphone 13 pro the cost of the 256 job storage design is really 10.99 which is the price i believe the iphone 14 pro is gon na start at so if that design does get 256 this would basically not be a price hike in any way apple would just be reducing the lower end 128 job model completely compeling you to rise to 256 jobs of storage space as well as because way they'' re mosting likely to be increasing their ordinary list prices and also their profits which is obviously great for them as well as it helps them eat the cost of a great deal of the attributes that are pertaining to the apple iphone 14 professional which i'' m regarding to reach in this video now one of the main reasons for apple to begin the 14 pro off with 256 jobs of storage space is this leak from in 2014 saying that the 2022 iphone professional version would include a 48 megapixel cam that sustains 8k video clip of course 8k video clip and he did return recently in march and also validated that yes the 14 pro and professional max are obtaining upgrades to the vast cam to 48 mega pixels which is why the cam bump is gon na be larger and right here in my tweet from june 10th after wwdc i spoke about the m2 chip and also exactly how it currently supports 8k encoding and decoding in h. 264 hevc as well as prores and also how that is exactly what apple is likely to use on the iphone 14 pro in order to encode the actual 8k video clip and also decode it when playing back so there'' s not a huge lots on the chip itself but on the media engine as well as that'' s just how apple is going to draw off insane good 8k video recording at as much as 60 fps in my point of view currently naturally if you'' re shooting 8k or perhaps 8k 60fps you ' re mosting likely to make use of a great deal of storage and also maybe that is why apple could make the base version beginning with 256 jobs as well as i understand a great deal of you people are going to complain due to the fact that lightning is staying this year and also we'' re not obtaining usbc up until the apple iphone 15 schedule yet i do believe that this year'' s iphone 14 pro is additionally gon na include a much faster usb 3.0 lightning port to make faster transfers of those higher end 8k video and also this is likewise a large reason that a lot of people are gon na want the apple iphone 14 professional since it has the quicker lightning connector compared to the normal 14 models that'' ll most likely stick to the slower lightning naturally due to the fact that they'' re not going to have the 8k video taping now we did get increasingly more records from different resources that were verifying that of course the 48 megapixel electronic camera is concerning the 14 pro now the fascinating factor i want to make concerning the iphone 14 professional potentially obtaining 256 gigs of storage space is the reality that the existing apple iphone 13 pro needs 256 gigs of storage space to shoot 4k pro res video yes apple in fact has that restriction and it'' s essentially among the primary reasons i bought the 256 gig for the very first time despite the fact that i wound up not also shooting the prores which is dumb however the 256 gig is beneficial so possibly that'' s why apple is likely to rise to that new base storage now together with that i ' ve obtained a lot of other leaks and also rumors that i'' m undergoing that talk concerning why it'' s mosting likely to be so worth it for the iphone 14 professional compared to the normal iphone 14 schedule despite the greater brand-new rate first off the just the pro versions in the apple iphone 14 lineup are mosting likely to be obtaining the new a16 ship while the lower end versions will be staying with the same a15 now on top of that the professional designs are going to be including somewhat bigger screen sizes simply a bit bigger than they are in the past as well as that is obviously as a result of the new tablet plus opening layout replacing the notch and the narrow bezels for instance you can see right here that the bezels are going to be 20 thinner than they are on the iphone 13 pro max which is a large huge difference as well as you can in fact see this right below you can see the full iphone 14 lineup you obtained the promax the routine max the pro and also the regular and if you look very closely the bezels are for certain thinner on the professional models as well as certainly you see that wonderful style where they finally get rid of that notch and also not only that they have an extremely slim speaker unit right here looks really great contrasted to the notch that'' s going to be lingering on the normal iphone 14 versions and also that'' s of course why a lot of individuals are mosting likely to be attempting to opt for that 14 pro model a minimum of in my viewpoint and also they'' ll agree to pay the added rate naturally you can see ice universes leakage right here flaunting this brand-new display glass panel right below man those bezels are thin i think this is mosting likely to look absolutely terrific currently on top of that the 14 professional model will certainly be obtaining a much better oled screen than the apple iphone 14 so it'' s going to be a far better grade in terms of the real material yet it'' s likewise going to have much better technology also because it obviously is going to sustain and always on screen lastly like android has had this for years yet this will certainly support an always-on screen due to the fact that the refresh price of the display screen panel will certainly go down to one hertz finally and this is what apple is mosting likely to make use of for the always-on display screen to conserve that battery life and also we even obtained some more evidence in the current ios 16 beta suggesting that it is coming as well as also in xcode 14 beta revealing that we could be getting that always on screen honestly i think at this moment i'' m 100 sure that we'' re getting an always-on screen as well as that'' s going to be unique to the professional versions not the regular apple iphone 14'of program it ' s also mosting likely to have the pro movement 120 hertz so i imply there'' s mosting likely to be some substantial distinctions this year between the 14 and also the 14 professional currently not only that but it appears like apple is mosting likely to be boldy testing vapor chamber cooling systems for the 2022 apples iphone as well as i assume this will certainly additionally be unique to the professional models as well because they'' ll have the greater end a16 chip as well as they'' re gon na be a lot more pro for even more performance so it'' ll deserve it to put in the brand-new vapor chamber systems into that not just that yet the 14 pro is gon na have 6 gigs of faster ram this year which is lp ddr5 compared to the 14 and the 14 max which are still making use of the 4x so that'' s one more difference as well as certainly you can see right here due to the new camera systems that are insane on the professional designs the camera bumps are gon na look big as well as they'' re not just doing it to make them large they'' re doing it since they have to because if they'' re making those video cameras that better especially with a 48 megapixel sensor and also 8k video qualified they need to make the lenses themselves much longer since you have to do that to make the optics and also everything work correctly which naturally is evidenced by this report that the primary sensing unit on the 14 pro is going to be 21 wider for the 48 megapixel images as well as 8k video clip so going back to the major topic of this video clip the price increase for the 14 pro truthfully is warranted with every little thing that apple is tossing at us in terms of function upgrades and also differences contrasted to the routine iphone 14 designs particularly if they provide us 256 gigs of base storage space on the 14 professional i mean this is mosting likely to be a killer bargain specifically because they'' re getting rid of the notch finally providing us the most significant cam upgrade ever before 8k video i think that that price rise is mosting likely to be well worth it and also if you can afford it you need to probably go with that design because i think it'' s just going to be extraordinary so if you disagree with me let me understand in the remark section below yet if you appreciated this video clip click the circle over to subscribe and definitely take a look at among those 2 right over there many thanks for watching as well as we'' ll see you in the next video [Songs] you

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